Thursday, March 3, 2016

tourism and travel in Sabang

Kota Sabang is one of the cities in Aceh, Indonesia. The city is in the form of islands across the north of the island of Sumatra, the largest island of Pulau Weh as. Kota Sabang is a free economic zone Indonesia, he is often referred to as the most northern point of Indonesia, on the island of Rondo. Kota Sabang on Weh Island offers a variety of nautical tourism are also several places of heritage that you can enjoy, the following tourist attractions in Sabang you can visit.

1. Tugu Nol Kolometer Sabang
Been to Sabang feels incomplete if you have not visited monument Kilometer Zero Point Indonesia which is about 30 km from Kota Sabang. Indonesia Tugu Kilometer Zero Point is a geographical marker farthest western tip of Indonesia which is also a tourist attraction. Kilometer Zero monument RI or so-called Kilometer Zero Monument is a geographical marker that is unique in Indonesia. This is related to its role as a symbol of adhesive archipelago from Sabang in Aceh until Merauke in Papua. This monument is not only a marker at the far end of the western part of Indonesia but also the historical attractions for domestic and foreign tourists.

2. Turkish Iboih
Iboih is a village located in District Sukakarya, Sabang, in Iboih there are two beaches that Layeu Teupin Turkish and Turkish Teupin Sirkui but the tourists prefer to call with Turkish Iboih. Layeu Teupin beach is a beach with white sand beaches while Teupin Sirkui a rocky coasts. Iboih beach is actually a port that is used to get to the island Rubiah. Although a port, but the beauty of the beach Iboih no doubt. Seawater is crystal clear and has a blue green shades of color plus a clean white sand and surrounded by protected forest, Iboih like "paradise" is hidden that has the feel calm and peaceful.


3. Gapang beach
Gapang beach is not far from the beach Iboih or when you get to the monument zero kilometer you will pass several beaches like beaches and beach Iboih Gapang, Gapang beaches have white sand and crystal clear water as well. Gapang Turkish name is taken from the name of a tree in the vicinity of this beach. This Gapang Beach has waves that harder than Iboih beach. Because Gapang beach directly opposite the high seas, in contrast to the position Iboih Beach Island blocked Rubiah.


4. airt terjun pria laot
Not only Relax in Sabang, here too there is a waterfall named waterfall laot man. This waterfall disgorge from Mount Saung Keris and was in the jungle, waterfalls in the village laot Men Men laot, Village Iboih, Sabang, located about 15 km from Kota Sabang. To reach this waterfall you have to walk from the parking area about 20 minutes. Niagara Men laot disgorge from Gunung Sarong Kris and is in the middle of the forest with a stream of water that betingkat. Under the waterfall there are ponds that can be used for swimming. This waterfall is tipped in Gunung Sarong Kris is located in the southern island of Weh. Most of the water is also sourced from the Sea Kids lake flows through the river Men laot until finally spilled in this waterfall.


5. Turkish Anoi Itam

Itam Anoi beach is different from the beaches in other Sabang, because this beach is the black sandy beach only in Sabang. This beach is about 14 km from Kota Sabang, precisely located in the village of Anoi Itam, District Sukajaya, Kota Sabang, Aceh. Sand Beach Anoi Itam said to have a density that is different from the black sands of other beaches. Weighing approximately three times as much as the black sand in general. This is due to the high nickel content in the composition of the constituent mineral. Alloy color of black sand and limestone white surrounding visible contrast and give the sensation of its own beauty.


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